Our services in Restructuring
Rescue lawyers operate at every step of prevention or handling of distressed companies Enter.
Legal representatives or shareholders
-  Rebound goal : handle the issues of your company, your subsidiary, your interests in relation with emergency, cash optimization, short term finance [Lien PDF avec lâOffre Objectif Rebond]
-  Management liability, avoidance of a transaction as a preference or a transfer in fraud of creditors, extension of procedure : guard against risks of suits on the ground of your liability as Executive or Shareholder (deficiency, bankruptcy, ban on managing, etc.), on the ground of nullity of the suspect period (refund of a current account, assets trasfers during the suspect period, etc.), of extension of the collective proceeding to another company of yours (confusion of capitals, fictitious company, etc). [Lien PDF avec lâOffre ResponsabilitĂ© des dirigeants]
-  Secured transfer of an interest, a distressed subsidiary or of a business unit: frame your transfer to guard against future disputes [Lien pdf avec lâOffre cession sĂ©curisĂ©e dâactivitĂ© ou de participation sous-performante â PrĂ©pack cession]
-  Judicial buy out : study the case, prepare and draft your purchase offer when the subject company is under a confidential agreement procedure (mandat ad hoc, conciliation) or pre-insolvency or insolvency procedures (safeguard, accelerated financial safeguard procedures, compulsory liquidation or receivership [Lien PDF avec lâOffre Acquisition dâactifs distressed]